Monday, July 2, 2007


Every year I organize a rib competition for friends and family. It's basically a chance for all of us to get together and have a good time, but also offers a chance for everyone to put their money where their mouths are in the great "who makes the best ribs ?" debate. This years we had 14 racks of ribs entered into competition. I was lucky enough to nab 3rd place with my tandori rib recipe. An out of town friend took first place with a Vietnamese rib concoction, and my Mother snagged second with a tradional 50's recipe (hers were only baked!) in which the marinade included pickle juice amongst other odd things only found in recipes from that era. Special thanks to my parents, who, with the bigger house and outdoor area, hosted this event for me as they graciously do every year.


Albany Jane said...

Oh, now I'm drooling. And, boy am I looking forward to my lunch of salad and veggie steamed buns. Those ribs look SO good!

unisprise said...

these all look tasty... If I was in your family I'd sure have an entry worthy of competition.